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There is a lot going on in the church whether it's on a Sunday morning or midweek, at the church building or out in the community.

Take a look at our Get Involved page if you want to learn more about serving in the church. 

Prayer 2023
We have various meetings for prayer during the week.
We meet on Sundays at 9am and 11am. Note: On the last Sunday of each month, we only hold the 11am service.
Children's Ministry 
Activities on Sundays and during the week
We offer a range of exciting activities for Young People
Young Adults
If you are 18-30 we have a varied programme just for you.
We have various meetings for prayer during the week.
Small Groups
We meet regularly to study the Bible.
Women's Ministry 
What's on at the church for Women
Men's Ministry
What's on at church for Men
Pastoral Ministry 
We seek to care for the needs of those in our fellowship
Get Involved
Get connected with the life of our church and learn about serving at church