Prayer Life

At Edmonton Baptist Church we believe that Prayer is our first weapon in the battle of life. In Luke chapter 18, verse 1, Jesus encourages us to always pray and not to be discouraged, so prayer is an important part of our church life as well as in our individual lives.
We have various prayer meetings during the week, at different times of the day, and with differing styles, so giving everyone the opportunity to come and share in prayer.
Monday (weekly) - Intercessory Prayer
Monday - at church
7:30pm to 8:30pm
This meeting begins with a time of lively and inspiring praise and worship songs. Next is a time for personal testimonies, followed by “Intercessory prayers” where prayers are offered by everyone at the same time. Someone will bring a word of encouragement, sharing something of what God has put on their heart. We conclude by praying for individuals who may have a health condition, or any other concern. It has been commented that the prayer meeting is the "boiler room of the church".
Wednesdays - Women of Faith - Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Contact the church office for more information
7:00pm to 7:45pm
At this meeting we pray for the persecuted church with topics of prayer from Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), who are working in over 20 countries. Saturday - Corporate Prayer for the Church
Currently being conducted by conference call 7:00pm to 8:00pm
This meeting concentrates on praying for members of the church. We have a “Prayer Warriors Team” which includes our Pastors, Deacons and some strong Christian members of the church. All requests for prayer are treated with the utmost confidentiality and at this prayer meeting we pray for the request without mentioning names or the nature of the request unless the person requests otherwise. Prayer requests are sent to the Pastors or the church office who forward these to the Prayer Team.
If you would like us to pray for you, for any reason no matter how large or how small, please contact us and we will pray for you.
Alternatively, we would love to see you at one of our Sunday Services, or at one of the Prayer Meetings listed above. Speak to one of the leaders and we will pray for you, and with you in person if you wish.
Be assured that God always hears our prayers and will answer as he sees best for us.
Hubb Support, 13/10/2019