Membership at Edmonton Baptist Church
Edmonton Baptist Church is a group of people who live as the body of Christ, together submitting themselves to Jesus’ teaching and mission. This body is given identity through the act of membership. In our individual profession of Jesus as being the most important in our lives we become part of Jesus’ worldwide church. Each and every believer needs a place of home in a local church, a place they commit and belong to and where God’s gifts can be encouraged and explored. Belonging to Edmonton Baptist Church means making a commitment to be fully part of a body of believers. (Acts 2 vs 42 - 47.)
The opening paragraph seeks to explain what membership is.
This paragraph will say what membership is not.
If you have been worshipping with us for at least six months, are local and expect to be in the area for a while, i.e. not a visitor, or looking to move after a few months, then come and join us to work in the kingdom, explore your gifts and strengthen your faith.
To apply for membership, you must first and foremost:
Have Jesus as the focus of your life and have made a public profession of faith
through Believer's Baptism or another meaningful declaration.
We have a system of Open membership but encourage prayerful consideration of baptism by immersion.
Responsibilities of Membership
G –A – S – The work of the Kingdom cannot and will not be fulfilled without gas in the tank!
G Giving regularly of finances, time and talents.
A Attendance – regular weekly attendance at a service and membership of at least one small group, e.g. Bible Study, prayer group.
S Service – contributing to the work of the Kingdom in Edmonton Baptist Church with your time, gifts and talents.
Here are some examples of service; helping in the Sunday Club, hosting a Bible Study group, being part of the refreshments team, cleaning or sound desk rota, arranging flowers in church or joining a worship group. There are many needs and more helpers and leaders are needed. If you are not sure, ask! (1 Corinthians chapter 12 verses 12 to 29)
Privileges of Membership
You are cared for pastorally.
You learn and become inspired by the Word of God
Attend and prayerfully participate in the decision-making of the church at the Church Members’ meeting. These are held six times per year.
Being trained and equipped to fulfil your purpose through use of your gifts.
If you would like to become a member speak to a minister, deacon or usher or speak directly to the Membership Co-ordinator, Beverley Davis. Beverley will arrange for you to be contacted by someone from the team who will meet with you for a chat, from which a short report will be made.
The report will be presented at the next members’ meeting for approval. You will also be asked to submit or take an informal photograph to assist with identification at the meeting.
The formal welcome into membership usually takes place at a Communion Service, where you will receive the “Right hand of Fellowship.” This is followed by signing of the membership register.
Interested? Questions? Ask now about membership. We would love to have you on board, doing Kingdom business together.