Our History

Edmonton Baptist Church
150th Anniversary 29th March 2009
Historical Note
Edmonton Baptist Church was founded on 29th March 1859. Eight baptised believers met in a hired room in what is now the Broadway to form an Open Communion Baptist Chapel. At that time, Edmonton was a rural community with about 11,000 inhabitants. A site was purchased and the Chapel was erected on the Broadway. The first service in the building was held on 1st January 1861.
The Church grew and became a strong Christian and social influence within a rapidly increasing population. In the 1920s a new site was purchased on the corner of Hertford and Monmouth Roads. A Sunday school building and a semi-permanent hall were erected on the new site. These, with the Chapel buildings, became the centre of outreach and social activities particularly Youth work, including a large Sunday school, Boy’s Brigade Company, Girl Guides’ Company, Scout Troop, and Youth Club. These buildings continued in use until the 1970s when Edmonton Green underwent one of its redevelopment programmes.
The present building was completed and opened in 1976. After this Edmonton witnessed a new era which has seen many changes in the area and the growth of a large and vibrant multiracial Christian community. The fellowship continues the work and witness of those who have served the Kingdom at Edmonton Baptist Church over the past 150 years.
To God be the Glory!