Sunday Services

ChurchLife Services 800x400

9:00am & 11:00am 

Two morning services take place on the first three Sundays of each month. 

On the final Sunday of each month a single All-Age service takes place at 11:00am, in which the children stay in for the whole service and contribute to our worship. 

The 11:00am services are livestreamed on Facebook and later posted on YouTube and this website. Some COVID precautions are still in place; please see our guidelines for more details. 

Refreshments are currently provided after the All-Age services and this may be extended in future. 

Please note that we have a parking tablet for use on Sundays only. If travelling to church by car please enter your licence plate number in the tablet when you arrive and also write your name and number on the form in the foyer. Please ask one of the stewards if you need assistance.  



This service is conducted in French. If you are a French speaker or looking to practice your French, join us at 2pm on Sundays.

For our updated guidelines please click here.

We meet at:

The Green
Monmouth Road
London N9 0LS

There is a large public car park immediately behind the church, accessed from St. Martin’s Road.

For more information and a map see our contact us page.

Children and Young People

We have a number of age-based groups in our Sunday Club who meet together during most Sunday services. The stewards will show you where to take your child at the appropriate time in the service. Please introduce yourself and your child to the leader of the group and collect them from the same place when the service finishes. 

If you have children under 3 years of age, you can take them to the creche at any time in the service and stay with them. There is a selection of toys and activities to keep them entertained, and the service is relayed onto a tv screen, so you don’t totally miss out on the worship or the sermon.

For full details of all our Sunday Club groups for children and young people, and for weekday and other events, please follow these links….

Children (School years Reception to Yr6)

Youth (School years Yr7-Yr13)

Provision for those with Special Needs

Our main entrance has a level threshold. We have a designated, easily accessible area in our Sanctuary for wheelchair users. Our audio system has a loop for those using hearing aids (set your aid to “T”). We endeavour to make sure our projected images are suitable for the partially sighted.

If you, or a dependant of yours has a particular need that you feel is not being met, or you would like more information about our facilities, please contact us and speak to us about it in confidence and we will do all we can to ensure your experience of church is the best it can be for you.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry we will be happy to help. Please contact us for more information.