Sunday Club

We all meet together at 11:00am as a family for a time of worship before the children leave to go to their age-related groups. These finish at the same time as the main service, around 12:30am, and we ask that parents fetch their children at the end, when they can also meet with those who have been teaching them.
When it is a Communion service, the children usually go to their groups from the start of the service.
Once a month, usually on the last Sunday, the service is "All-In" and the children stay in for the whole service, which has an appropriate focus and children may assist in the worship and bringing the message.
Children under 3 years of age
The Prayer Chapel
You are welcome to bring your infants into the service, but if you wish, you may go with them into our Creche, in the Prayer Chapel. This has a selection of toys to keep your children entertained, but also has a TV screen relaying the service, so you don't totally miss out on the worship or sermon.
From 3rd birthday to Reception (age 3 to 5)
The Lounge

This is where we seek to introduce children to the concept of "Father God", and Jesus as their loving friend and Saviour, telling Bible stories.
School Years 1 and 2 (age 5 to 7)
The Meeting Room

As the children get a little older, we seek to widen their knowledge and understanding of the Bible and help them to develop what we hope and pray will be a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ. The children are encouraged to pray, and read the Bible, and learn a memory verse each week.
We use Scripture Union material for this and other Primary School age groups, exploring both Old and New Testaments, with age-related activities that make learning fun.
School Years 3 to 6 (age 7 to 11)
The Hall

Children in this age group enjoy finding out things, and we aim to explore the Bible in a deeper way, trying to put our feet in the shoes of the disciples to see just what it would have been like to be a friend of Jesus. We hope that the children will start to see Jesus as someone they can put their trust in and gain an understanding of the meaning of Easter as well as Christmas.
Activities include quizzes, drama, word games, and occasionally a scientific experiment!